1 How to edit the config.txt?

There are two different way how the config.txt is edited. One is via SSH and the other is by plugging the SD-card to another PC (Windows, Linux or MacOS).

1.1 The SSH way

As LibreELEC's system is generally a read-only system by default, you will need to get those write-permissions first:

mount -o remount,rw /flash

'Nano' is a very easy-to-use built-in text editor:

nano /flash/config.txt

To save the changes you made, press CTRL + o and save the file.

Press ENTER to confirm the existing filename.

To exit the nano editor, press CTRL + x.

Now you have to change back the read/write permissions of the system partition to 'read-only' again:

mount -o remount,ro /flash

You need to reboot for the changes in the config.txt to take effect:


Zuletzt geändert: 2016/12/23 08:51